Welcome to my blog. 14 years ago we had a daughter. We thought she was pretty cool so we had another…and another…and another…
After 5 “anothers”, I realized I probably know a few things that might be useful to some of you. Drop by from time to time. Share your own story or just read mine. Should be fun.
If you have 4 or more kids you will probably understand what I'm about to say. If you have fewer you probably won't. This is probably going to lose me some friends but here goes…
I truly thank you for inviting my kids to your kid's birthday party. I do. Most of my kids were invited to many parties but one of them NEVER was. I felt bad for him. I did. So it is great that you invited us. It beats the alternative.
But here's the thing - In the old days (c. 2005) this process was straightforward. Kid would go to school and come home with an invitation in his hand about Henry's birthday on Saturday. It had a time and an address. Great! We'll be there.
But now you send evites…to MY email. And here is the punchline - I DON'T KNOW WHO ANY OF YOUR KIDS ARE! I barely know my own kids’ names sometimes. And since your invitation doesn't say which of my kids you'd like to see next Saturday at the What Could Possibly Go Wrong Trampoline Park, we are at an impasse.
I apologize. I do. I know it's not all about us. Know that your invitation wasn't ignored. It just paralyzed us. Sometimes we just rsvp No because I don't have the energy to figure it out. Sometimes I just rsvp yes and roll in heavy with the four most likely to know your little Henry based on the picture you kindly provided. But I am grateful for the invitation and am flattered you know who our kids are. I envy you.